Read About My Land Project Designs!
Now as part of Love School Green Spaces!
Read all about the land based greening projects I have designed on unused land in North East England.
Support the development of these spaces by joining an exclusive online community or access home learning through our online courses.
Read all about the land based greening projects I have designed on unused land in North East England.
Support the development of these spaces by joining an exclusive online community or access home learning through our online courses.
Intuitive Cards
I am currently developing two Intuitive Card packs that can also be used to help you reconnect with yourself, your intuition and inner guidance or the Earth energies around and through you to aid your personal growth and healing.
Intuitive Art Cards
Intuitive Energy Cards
Art Products
I work with affiliate site Vida to sell bespoke Art products all ethically made, with no waste and a portion of profits go towards educating factoy workerd in thir world countries.
To view my collection visit or click on the images below.
To view my collection visit or click on the images below.
If you have any suggestions or would like any of my Art work turned into a bespoke product please Contact Me.
I believe that because you have been guided here we are meant to connect in some way and learn from each other. In order to be totally transparent and not to waste either of our time, my main influences I like to express through my living are:
- I was able to heal myself by following my own inner wisdom. This was generally aided through my life sytle and Mind, Body, Spirit connection.
- Energy is everything, we can all connect to it's flows, with nature; plants and animals, lifecycles and energy healing.
- Everyone can connect to their true nature and we all have our own individual space in the world.
- We are all capable of Concious Creation, Magic and Manifestation and we create our reality through what we focus on, the choices we make and the actions we take.
- Learning self care, self love and living my true authentic self, finding my individual gifts or talents and stepping into my personal power, has been a long journey for me and I have experince in many areas of life.
- Life isn't always great! It is ok to feel how you feel, be just as you are. We need to learn how to deal with negativity and be able to be fully present with each other, tollerate and accept the ebbs and flows of life to allow us all to thrive. I try to meet people where they are.
- We all have the capacity to transform and live life to our fullest potential without damaging the earth or profiting from another's misfortune.
- Our current system and ways of communicating are failing and damaging us indivudually and as a species. It is time to end the cycles of abuse and neglect caused by patriachy and the attack on the Feminine and heal these wounds within ourselves and through the structures of our society, how we do business and how we communicate.
- I only work with individuals, organisations or businesses that wish to support and nurture people and our planet.
My Methods of Reconnection...
Whyever you have be drawn to me, whatever instinct sent you here, I am very open to all enquiries that come my way. Feel free to get in touch.
My services are generally offerred interdependantly and I use them symbiotically. Mainly being expressions of Art, Intuition and Energy work using my skills in Design, Communicaton and Reconnection.
If you need more solid reading about what I can offer, specific information regarding my services and reconnection methods or to view my Healing Art and access Art products for sale, click on the catergories below.
I am an Artist, I am a Designer, I am a Conscious Creator. I am an Energy Healer, I am a Writer, I am a Truth Teller, I am an Intergration Wholeness & Authenticity Promoter, I am a Harmoniser...
I am a Reconnector.
I work with people as requested and create projects or design systems using the skills I have learned over my years here. I design and create things from gardens or businesses to lifestyle systems and art. I use my mind, body, spirit connection to direct everything I choose to do. I live and work and offer my unique skills and talents to co-create with others in the world.
I do things in a new way, my way and I try new things. I believe in the laws of nature that govern us all. I adapt to where I am asked to be and my role is to help to express the energy of the new paradigm. Creating new sytems of living that wish to emerge into our reality that are life affirming and harmonising, nurturing to our true nature as humans.
I combine my professional and personal skills & talents to adapt systems and imagine environments for a new way of being. I work with collectives, individuals or with an organisations or business I feel aligned with. I am open to interesting offers of any nature and money will not buy my services or loyalty, my work connections are also peronal expressions of my creativity and I select them carefully.
I do things in a new way, my way and I try new things. I believe in the laws of nature that govern us all. I adapt to where I am asked to be and my role is to help to express the energy of the new paradigm. Creating new sytems of living that wish to emerge into our reality that are life affirming and harmonising, nurturing to our true nature as humans.
I combine my professional and personal skills & talents to adapt systems and imagine environments for a new way of being. I work with collectives, individuals or with an organisations or business I feel aligned with. I am open to interesting offers of any nature and money will not buy my services or loyalty, my work connections are also peronal expressions of my creativity and I select them carefully.
We are ALL Communicating ALL the time!
In order to succeed in business (and life Iin general) we need to be able to communicate well. We need to attract our customers and make sure we are adapting to better meet their needs, we need to buld relationships with suppliers or other contracters.
These days there is so much pressure to be able to comunicate well, in so many different ways, through so many different avenues, it can become very stressful to consider where to start. One of my core messages is to always be your Authentic self, stay true to YOUR unique nature. This advice most definaltey expands to our businesses lives and our communications within our businesses and via our businesses. Your clients want to connect with you and the more authentic connections you can make with the world, the more rewarding and abundant your life will be. |
Positive Promotion
The theme of all my designs is always to reconnect people and work in harmony with nature. My designs always allow for a natural exchange and flow of energy and encourge a connection, connecting people who can meet each others needs, with ease and mutual respect.
I have a personal interest in psychlogy and the nature of our minds and a huge passion for community and sharing space, building connections and learning to relove each other as fellow beings.
I have a personal interest in psychlogy and the nature of our minds and a huge passion for community and sharing space, building connections and learning to relove each other as fellow beings.
My Positive Promotion Plans combine all my training, skills and experience in Marketing, Advertising, PR and Social Media with my spiritual connection with the planet and each other and my concience as a human worried about the messages "normal" advertisng is constantly sending us.
All my Positive Promotion Plans focus on meeting needs and building connections, uplifting people and are solutions focused. Each one is personalised to your needs, your businesses needs and your clients needs. They are efficent wth your time and your clients time as we specifically try to reach people looking to receive connections.
All my Positive Promotion Plans focus on providing you with as much residual income as possible, with the most ease and pleasure in your business. We will disuss how you can create more money without always having to put in extra time and definatley not "hard" work. I can teach you how to work smart to promote your business.
All my Positive Promotion Plans focus on meeting needs and building connections, uplifting people and are solutions focused. Each one is personalised to your needs, your businesses needs and your clients needs. They are efficent wth your time and your clients time as we specifically try to reach people looking to receive connections.
All my Positive Promotion Plans focus on providing you with as much residual income as possible, with the most ease and pleasure in your business. We will disuss how you can create more money without always having to put in extra time and definatley not "hard" work. I can teach you how to work smart to promote your business.